Once the DM starts the initiative tracker, players can the use !init
Joining Initiative
Add your character to the initiative order:
!init join
and then place yourself on the map (use the coordinate on the map):
!move G7
Ending Your Turn
End your turn and advance to the next combatant:
!init next
Forgetting to end your turn is a common mistake you should try to avoid.
Other Initiative Commands
List the current order:
!init list
Attack Rolls
Attack rolls for both attack and damage at once. The format is:
!attack <weapon> [flags|arguments]
Here are a some examples of attack rolls. Note that if the weapon's name is more than one word, it needs to be in quotes:
!attack longsword -t GO1
!attack "unarmed strike" -t OR1
!a halberd -t MA1 adv
Example Melee Turn
Move into position:
!move F7
Attack the goblin with your longsword:
!attack longsword -t GO1
End your turn
!init next
Like attacks, spellcasting rolls the atttack and teh damage at once in this format:
Attack rolls for both attack and damage at once. The format is:
!cast <spell> [flags|arguments]
Here are a some examples of spellcasting rolls. Note that if the spell's name is more than one word, it needs to be in quotes:
!cast fireball -t DR1
!cast "healing word" -t "Fitz"
You can have multiple targets in some spells
!cast "Burning Hands" -t GO1 -t GO2 -t GO3
Many spells can be cast at multiple levels. You can control the level with -l
!cast "Ray of Sicknesss" -t GO1 -l 2
An example of a proper command with a target and advantage.
!cast fireball -t GO1 adv
Some other common flags:
Ignores spell slots and spellbooks, e.g. casting as a ritual or item.-rr
Roll multiple times, such as for a warlock's multiple Eldritch Blasts.-with <int/wis/cha>
Uses a different skill base for DC/AB (will not account for extra bonuses)
Example Spellcasting Turn
Move into position:
!move F7
Cast Burning Hands into a 15ft cone toward three goblins:
!cast "Burning Hands" -t GO1 -t GO2 -t GO3
Move away:
!move G10
End your turn
!init next
Using Your Reaction
Opportunity attacks:
// Format: !init aoo "attacker name" "attack name" -t "target name"
!init aoo "Mal" "greataxe" -t "Goblin 1"
Cast a spell as a reaction:
# Format: !init reactcast "caster name" "spell name" -t "target name"
!init reactcast "Cindel" "fireball" -t "GO1" -t "GO2" -t "GO3"
Roll a concentration check:
# -dc # Set the DC for the check. Returns a simpler "Success!" or "Fail!" dialog.
# -t "target" Specify who is making the check.
!conc -dc 15 -t "Mind Flayer"