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In D&D, there are different coins, each one possessing a different value:

Coin Type Abbreviation Value in Copper Pieces (CP) Exchange Rate
Copper Piece CP 1 1 CP
Silver Piece SP 10 10 CP = 1 SP
Electrum Piece EP 50 5 SP = 1 EP = 50 CP
Gold Piece GP 100 2 EP = 1 GP = 10 SP = 100 CP
Platinum Piece PP 1,000 10 GP = 1 PP = 100 SP = 1,000 CP

Monitoring your character's holdings

You can check your character's holdings by typing:

!game coins
!g coins

Managing your character's holdings

There might be some situations in which you might need to manually adjust your character's holdings.

Adding/subtracting coins can be done using the following commands:

!g coins [<add/subtract><digits><abbreviation>]+


# add 7 silver pieces to your character's coin purse
!g coins +7sp

# subtract 4 gold pieces from your character's coin purse
!g coins -4gp

# add 3 gold pieces, 12 silver pieces and 25 copper pieces to your character's coin purse
!g coins +3gp +12sp +25cp