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Harvesting Monsters

After a "kill", a beast or monster (one that was killed in combat - hunting has it's own rules) can be harvested - meaning, you can take it's raw materials, like flesh, tusks, or in the case of an Ochre Jelly, the jelly itself. After the harvesting, the raw materials can be consumed, sold, or crafted into something.

Skill Checks

Harvesting requires a skill check:

  • A success gets you a certain amount of the item.
  • A failure means the monster was too badly damaged, or you screwed up the process.

We will use tables in the Theive's Guild - Harvesting & Loot section

For example, harvesting an Orchre Jelly has a DC10 Investigation check:

  • A successful check yields 1 lb of the jelly
  • A failed save means that no harvest was made.

Additional Rules

  • A monster can only be attempted once. Once a check has been failed, no other player can attempt it.
  • The player must add the amount of the harvest to their character sheet and count the weight toward their encumbrance
  • The player should note the expiration of the material and consider it expired if it hasn't been consumed, crafted, or sold within that time.